次の生徒会からは,今の2学年が学校を引っ張っていくことになります。 今までは,先輩の後ろ姿を追いながらだった2年生。いよいよ,緑の時代です!! 今までの先輩達の良い活動はそのままに,よりよい神二になるように頑張って欲しいものです。
さて,その生徒会を作るために影で支えてくれるのが,選挙管理委員会のみなさんです。 どの生徒も,真剣な眼差しで会議に参加しており,素晴らしい選挙が期待できそうです。 頑張れ!選挙管理委員会!!
昨日の続きです☆ 本日は,1年C組・1年F組の優秀作品です。
Welcome to kamisu Second Junior High School. Our school is in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s 66 years old We have about 600 students and 47 teachers. Our school is the largest in east of Ibaraki. This is a picture of our school ski trip. We want to be good at skiing. Thank you.
Welcome to kamisu second junior high school. Our school is in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s 66 years old. We have about 600 students and 47 teachers. Students are cheerful and friendly. Particularly, our English teacher is very cool. We have six classes each day from Monday to Friday. We have a sports day in May. We practice mukade hard for sports day. It’s not easy, but it’s fun. We love our school.
Welcome to kamisu second junior high school. Our school is in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s 66 years old. We have about 600 students and 47 teachers. It’s a big junior high school. This is a picture of our chorus contest. We enjoyed it very much. We belong to brassband club. It’s interesting. We have six classes from Tuesday to Friday. We love our school.
Welcome to kamisu second junior high school. Our school is in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s 66 years old. We have about 600 students and 47 teachers. We have “Let’s Beautiful Shoes Box(下駄箱をキレイに使おう)\\” campaign now. We will have a ski trip in January. Our club activity is very strong. We practice hard and enjoy it very much. We love our school.
Welcome to kamisu second junior high school. Our school is in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s 66 years old. We have about 600 students and 47 teachers. School festival was held in November. Chorus contest is also held on that day. It was interesting. There are a lot of club activities in our school. We love our school.
1年生,日々がんばっています! 今日で授業は終わりですが,新年明けたらすぐに県学力診断テストがあるので,気は抜けませんね! 冬休みの宿題は計画的に!! 1年生英語科の授業で,神栖二中を紹介する英作文の授業をしました。 3~4人グループになり,それぞれのグループで英語の文章を考えました。 その後,各クラス優秀作品をALTに選んでもらいました! 以下は,1年A組・1年E組の優秀作品です。 Welcome to kamisu second junior high school. Our school is in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s 66 years old, and it’s very big. We have about 600 students and 47 teachers. This is a picture of volunteer activity. We worked very hard. Our phone number is 0299-92-0652. Please come to our school !! Thank you.
Welcome to Kamisu second junior high school. Our school is in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s 66 years old. We have about 600 students. Our school is the biggest in east of Ibaraki. This is a picture of our “Happy Tree”. The student council made this. Our school activity is strong. We love Kamisu second junior high school.
Welcome to Kamisu Second Junior High School. Our school is in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s 66 years old. We have about 600 students and 47 teachers. We are looking forward to going ski trip. Our club actibities are strong. Especially, this year Judo is the most strong club activity. We love our school. We are happy every day.
Welcome to Kamisu Second Junior High School. Our school is in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s 66 years old. We have about 600 studentsa and 47 teachers. We think sports day is the most enjoyable event in our school. 1E has won the first prize. We are looking forword to going ski trip. We love our school !!
We have about 600 students and 50 teachers. In November we had a school festival. It was very fun. In winter we have a ski trip. It will be fun.
Our school is in Ibaraki ,Japan. It’s 69 years old. We have 600 students and 50 teachers. In January We have ski trip. We will enjoy it very much.
生徒会からの発信で昇降口をきれいに使おうというメッセージが靴箱に掲げられました。Lはレッツ,Bはビューティフル,Sはシューズ,Bはボックスという意味だそうです。朝は毎日各学年の副担任の先生方が,帰りは掃除当番の生徒達がきれいに掃除をしてくれても砂だらけになっていたり,土足であがったりする人がいる現状をなんとかしたいと生徒会が立ち上がってのことです。また,一人一人の靴箱をチェックして違反している靴に警告の紙が入れられました。これも生徒朝会などで何度も全体に呼びかけて注意を受けても改善されないので行ったことです。この生徒会の一生懸命な気持ちが他の生徒達に伝わり,お互いの行動や制服の着方などを注意しあえる生徒たちに成長して欲しいなと思います。保護者の方々も,このブログをきっかけに,お子さんの靴が校則に合っているかや,公共のマナーについてなどを話していただければと思います。 |
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